2004: Israeli aircraft fleet – 50 aircrafts

Israel's aircraft fleet consisted, at the end of 2004, of 50 aircraft. 43 of which were passenger aircraft, five were dual purpose aircraft for cargo and passengers and 11 planes were passenger turbo – prope
07.03.05 / 00:00
2004: Israeli aircraft fleet – 50 aircrafts
2004: Israeli aircraft fleet – 50 aircrafts

Israel's Civil Aviation Authority published last week its 2004 report. The report said that Israel's aircraft fleet consisted, at the end of 2004, of 50 aircrafts. 43 of which were passenger aircraft, five were dual purpose aircraft for cargo and passengers and 11 planes were passenger turbo – prope.
Seat capacity increased dramatically over the last years which made it possible for the Israeli carriers to carry over 50% of passenger traffic between Israel and the world.

Israeli airlines purchased, over the last 5 years period 18 new aircraft and 19 were taken out of service due to overage.
The average aircraft age is 14 years.The older aircraft being 747-200 which was assembled in the late 70s. 19 are less than 10 years out of which 4, B777,were assembled between 2000 – 2001.El Al's fleet consisted, at the end of last year, of 32 aircraft out of which, 27 aircraft were owned by El Al and 5 were on lease from foreign owners.
During 2004 El Al added two new aircraft to its fleet– a cargo and a passenger aircraft. Last October the company ended the service of a veteran 747 which was assembeled in 1974.