Arkia Israel Airlines to operate on TLV - Paris route?

At present, El Al Israel Airlines is the only Israeli airline with designated carrier status on the Tel Aviv-Paris route
30.07.06 / 00:00
Arkia Israel Airlines to operate on TLV - Paris route?
Arkia Israel Airlines to operate on TLV - Paris route?

At present, El Al Israel Airlines is the only Israeli airline with designated carrier status on the Tel Aviv-Paris route

According to Israeli aviation experts, Arkia Israeli Airlines, Israel's second largest airline operating domestic services and charters to western Europe and the Mediterranean, was about to apply for a designated carrier status on the Tel Aviv Paris route.
The request, if approved by the Ministry of Transport, will allow the company to operate flights from Eilat as well as from Ben Gurion Airport to Paris.
At present, El Al Israel Airlines is the only Israeli airline with designated carrier status on the Tel Aviv-Paris route.
Sources at the Ministry of Transport refused to comment on the issue, however, some said that the application for designated carrier status was part of the airline’s drive to expand its flight and tourism activity in the French markets.
It was also made known that Arkia plans to apply for designated carrier status on other routes, in addition to Paris.
It has already applied for designated carrier status to New York, Moscow, Frankfurt, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Argentina and Brazil.