EU endorsed EADS-Israel Aerospace JV

The semi-robotic, pilot controlled tug powers a large commercial aircraft to and from the runway
30.07.12 / 00:00
EU endorsed EADS-Israel Aerospace JV
EU endorsed EADS-Israel Aerospace JV

The semi-robotic, pilot controlled tug powers a large commercial aircraft to and from the runway
The European Commission authorized the creation of a Taxibot joint venture by the French firm Airbus SAS, part of European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V. (EADS) of the Netherlands, and Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI).
Taxibot is a semi-robotic, pilot-controlled tug that powers large commercial aircraft to and from the runway under the aircraft’s controls, cutting the need for engine use on taxi.
The Taxibot Dispatch Towing system, designed by IAI, can be used by both widebody and single-aisle aircraft to taxi to and from the gate and runway without engine power.
Potential fuel savings reductions are expected to be $6 billion along with 16 billion tons of CO2.

The target customers are airports, ground handling service providers, leasing companies and airlines. An aircraft using Taxibot would be able to start its engines just before take-off and switch them off just after landing.
The European Commission said the JV was examined because of Airbus’ strong position in the “closely related market” of aircraft manufacturing. However, it concluded: “The proposed transaction would not give rise to the shutting out of rivals in the supply of new alternative taxiing solutions or the supply of aircraft.”