Minister of Transport : tender for new Eilat airport to be published in 2006

Minister of Transport Meir Sheetrit said last week in a meeting held with Eilat Mayor Meir Yitzhak-Halevy that the Israel Airports Authority was in its final stages of studying the issue of a new Eilat airport and would publish a tender in early 2006
05.09.05 / 00:00
Minister of Transport Meir Sheetrit
Minister of Transport Meir Sheetrit

Minister of Transport Meir Sheetrit said last week in a meeting held with Eilat Mayor Meir Yitzhak-Halevy that the Israel Airports Authority was in its final stages of studying the issue of a new Eilat airport and would publish a tender in early 2006.
A spokesman for the Ministry also said that the Minister and the Mayor had several issues on their agenda including the building of a railway line to Eilat ,which the Minister regarded as a highly important national infrastructure project, and the moving of the Israeli Naval base.