CBS: Exports of goods in October total USD 3.3 billion

High technology industries exported US$ 1.1 billion worth of goods which constituted 46% of total manufacturing exports in October 2006
20.11.06 / 00:00
CBS: Exports of goods in October total USD 3.3 billion
CBS: Exports of goods in October total USD 3.3 billion

High technology industries exported US$ 1.1 billion worth of goods which constituted 46% of total manufacturing exports in October 2006
The Central Bureau of Statistics reported last week that in October 2006, export of Israeli made goods totaled US$ 3.3 billion.
Manufacturing exports (excluding diamonds) constituted 71.3% of all export of goods. Export of diamonds constituted 26.5%, and the rest was agricultural exports.
Distribution of manufacturing export by technological intensity indicates that high technology industries exported US$ 1.1 billion worth of goods which constituted 46% of total manufacturing exports in October 2006.
Export by medium-high technology industries in October 2006 was US$ 0.6 billion worth of goods which constituted 26.5% of total manufacture exports.
Export by medium-low technology industries totaled US$ 0.5 billion and constituted 19.8% of all manufacture exports in October 2006.
Export by low technology industries totaled US$ 0.2 billion constituted 7.8% of all manufacture exports.
Agricultural exports in January-October 2006 totaled US$ 829 million – lower by 1.3% than January-October 2005.