CBS: In October-December 2005 Israel’s foreign trade stagnated

The Central Bureau of Statistics ( CBS ) reported last week that in October-December 2005, there was a slowdown in exports and in the import of durable goods, raw materials and investment goods
05.02.06 / 00:00
CBS: In October-December 2005 Israel’s foreign trade stagnated
CBS: In October-December 2005 Israel’s foreign trade stagnated

The Central Bureau of Statistics ( CBS ) reported last week that in October-December 2005, there was a slowdown in exports and in the import of durable goods, raw materials and investment goods.
The CBS noted that in the October-December period imports of durable goods fell by 6.6%, imports of raw materials, excluding diamonds and fuel, fell by 4.3%, and imports of investment goods fell by 5.7%.
As far as exports the CBS noted that exports of goods, excluding polished diamonds, was up in October-December by 0.7%. In general industrial exports in the three months period were unchanged: high-tech exports, however, rose by 9% and mixed-low technology exports rose by 3.8%; but mixed-high tech export fell by 8.3% and low technology exports fell by 5.3%.