CBS published its 2011 "country of origin" report

The countries from which exports to Israel totaled more than US2 billion: US, China, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, UK, Switzerland and India
17.07.12 / 00:00
CBS published its 2011 "country of origin" report
CBS published its 2011 "country of origin" report

The countries from which exports to Israel totaled more than US2 billion: US, China, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, UK, Switzerland and India
The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) published last week its 2011 "country of origin" report noting that in 2011, the countries of origin from which imports were above two billion US$ were: U.S.A., China, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, Turkey, U.K., Switzerland and India.
Imports by country of origin (excl. diamonds): In 2011, the main countries from which Israel imported goods were: U.S.A., China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, France, U.K, Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.
Imports from China (by country of origin) have grown from US$ 3.2 billion in 2006, to US$ 7.4 billion in 2011.
Considerable increase in imports (by country of origin), during 2006-2011, were registered in imports from Slovenia, Poland, Mexico and China.
The CBS noted that between the years 2000-2011 there were no significant changes of the countries with the main gaps in the value of imports by the two definitions of imports - imports by country of purchase and imports by country of origin.
Country of import is defined by the CBS as "country of purchase", i.e. the country from which the invoice for the goods imported to Israel was sent. In some cases, "the country of purchase" is different from "the country of origin" (the country of production) and from the country of shipment.
In 2011, the countries from which the gap between imports by country of purchase and imports by country of origin was more significant were: Switzerland, Netherlands, UK, Belgium and Hong Kong; and in the last years Singapore, Germany, Sweden, Luxembourg and Ireland.
Countries from which the gap between imports by country of origin in comparison with imports by country of purchase was more significant were: China, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, U.S.A., Brazil, Malaysia, Poland, Turkey, Taiwan, Mexico and Thailand.
The CBS noted that in 2011: 26.8% of goods manufactured in China were imported via third countries. More than 50% of goods imported from Netherlands and from Luxembourg were produced in third countries. Imports, by country of origin, from Cyprus, Australia, Uruguay and Portugal grew more than 50% compared to 2010 and Imports by country of origin from Turkey, India and Switzerland cross the US$ 2.0 Billion. Trade statistics by country of origin, both for the total value of trade in goods and for the quantity and value of trade in individual commodities, are of significant statistical value.
They are used for a number of purposes, including analysis of economic trends, national accounts, balance of payments, regional trade patterns, trade shares, market analysis and business decisions, and trade and negotiations.