Farmers: Closing of Karni border crossing costing farmers millions

Israel Farmers Federation Director Giora Sela said last week that the closing down last Sunday of the Karni crossing for the transfer of agricultural products to and from Gaza is costing Israeli farmers some NIS 10 million
23.01.06 / 00:00
Farmers: Closing of Karni border crossing costing farmers millions
Farmers: Closing of Karni border crossing costing farmers millions

Israel Farmers Federation Director Giora Sela said last week that the closing down last Sunday of the Karni crossing for the transfer of agricultural products to and from Gaza is costing Israeli farmers some NIS 10 million.
According to Sela some 40 Israeli trucks loaded with fresh fruit worth an estimated NIS 2 - 3 million were waiting at the crossing point to enter the Gaza Strip, and if a solution was not found the fruit will rot.
Sela noted that the banana farmers were suffering the most, as they sell an estimated 3,000 tons a week to Gaza residents. Bananas can not be stored and will be destroyed. Sela also noted that large shipments of apples and avocadoes were also waiting at the crossing point.
He emphasized that if Karni would not open, an alternative entry point for the transfer of fresh produce must be found. Sela added that “There is no official body that insures or compensates the Israeli farmers in cases such as this, and they are forced to absorb the heavy losses”.
The Israeli Farmers Federation also claim that Palestinian farmers are also suffering from the Karni crossing closure; strawberry growers are unable to ship their produce to overseas markets and that the closure prevented the transfer of medical drugs and milk for people and animals in Gaza.