Heritage Foundation places Israel 37th on Economic Freedom Index

Israel is classified by the survey as “Moderately Free” and is ranked three places lower than in 2006. According to the index the freest economy is Hong Kong
22.01.07 / 00:00
Heritage Foundation places Israel 37th on Economic Freedom Index
Heritage Foundation places Israel 37th on Economic Freedom Index

Israel is classified by the survey as “Moderately Free” and is ranked three places lower than in 2006. According to the index the freest economy is Hong Kong
The Heritage Foundation/ The Wall Street Journal 2007 Index of Economic Freedom which ranks 157 countries and territories, ranked Israel 37th in this year's index, three places lower than in 2006. Israel is classified by the survey as “Moderately Free”.
According to the index the freest economy is Hong Kong, followed by Singapore, Australia, the US, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Canada.
India is ranked 104th, China 119th and Russia 120th.
The ten least free economies are Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Iran, Republic of the Congo, Turkmenistan, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Libya, Cuba and North Korea.
The index grades countries on a combination of factors including:
- Property rights protection
- Tax rates
- Government intervention in the economy 
- Monetary, fiscal and trade policy