High ranking Russian economic delegation visiting Israel

Russia is interested in Israel's highly developed technological sector, like nanotechnology, while Israel has interests in Russia's natural resources
23.11.10 / 00:00
Industry, Trade and Labor Minister, Binyamin Ben-E
Industry, Trade and Labor Minister, Binyamin Ben-E

Russia is interested in Israel's highly developed technological sector, like nanotechnology, while Israel has interests in Russia's natural resources
A delegation of some 100 businesspeople from Russia arrived in Israel last Wednesday in the framework of the bilateral economic conference.
The group, led by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Alekseyevich Zubkov and Sergey Ulin, vice president of Alrosa - the second largest diamond company in the world - and chairman of the Russia-Israel Business Forum.
Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and President of the Manufacturers Association of Israel Shraga Brosh host the delegation and present joint Israeli-Russian business projects.
In a press release Ulin noted that "The mission to Israel includes more than just businessmen, but also scientists, educators, politicians etcetera people from various sectors, who can contribute to the relations between the two nations,". Ulin added that "We have come to Israel to work together and ensure true cooperation. We know each other well, and it is time be begin implementing concrete projects". 
Russia is interested in Israel's highly developed technological sector, while Israel has interests in Russia's natural resources. Moscow is most interested in focus on modernization especially in areas where Russia is struggling, like nanotechnology. Russia is also interested in Israeli bio-tech and clean-tech technology.
The volume of trade (excluding diamonds) between Israel and Russia in the first nine months of 2010 totaled $711 million.