Importation of Consumer and Investment Goods - June 2005

During June, an increase was seen in the of most of the durable products imported, compared to the same month last year. This indicates the influence of the improvement in the security situation and the market's recovery
18.07.05 / 00:00
Importation of Consumer and Investment Goods - June 2005
Importation of Consumer and Investment Goods - June 2005

During June, an increase was seen in the of most of the durable products imported, compared to the same month last year. This indicates the influence of the improvement in the security situation and the market's recovery.
Import of refrigerators saw an increase of 17% in June, 2005 compared to June 2004. Clothes dries saw an increase of 25%, washing machines - 28%, televisions, a decrease of 4%, but a 21% increase in value, which indicates a transition to importation of larger and more expensive televisions, dish washers saw a decrease of approximately 25%. Importation of DVD increased by 23%.
An increase was seen in the importation of cosmetics, phone equipment, fuel an alcohol compared to the same month last year.
During the months January-June 2005 the value of importation of durable goods increased by 25%, compared to the same month last year.
During June 2005 the importation of vehicles stood our compared to the importation o other goods. Revenue from importation of vehicles during June totaled 1.4 Million NIS compared to 1.1 Billion NIS in June 2004.
Passenger Vehicles - In June 2005, 18,173 passenger vehicles were imported compared to 19,426 vehicles in June 2004, a decrease of 6.5%. However, it should be noted that In April 2005. Approximately 2000 vehicles were released from customs ( a third of thetotal import of this month) which "belong, to 2006 models, in order to take advantage of the convenient exchange rate. Therefore, when the above stated is matched, vehicle importation reached beyond the "20,000" mark.
The seasonality which exits in importation of vehicles surrounding the model year begins in June each year, is known and expected. Therefore, in March-April, a sharp decrease in importation and in June there is a "recovery"/
Even if April is included, a positive situation is seen for April-June 2005, 24,167 passenger vehicles were imported compared to 22,678 vehicles during the same month last year - an increase of 6.5%.
However, importation of passenger vehicles from the beginning of the year (January-June 2005), totaled approximately 49,460 vehicles, a decrease of 5.5% compared to last year.
Commercial Vehicle
Import of commercial vehicles in June increased by approximately 4,500 vehicles compared to 1,2000 last year, an increase of almost four times. The main reason for this increase is that on June 1, deduction of input tax in purchasing commercial vehicles iscancelled and therefore, commercial vehicles are being bought before this deadline. It is safe to say that in the next few months, there will be very little import of commercial import.
Importation of cigarettes increased in June by 6% compared to last year.
Total value of importation in June 2005 totaled 3.5 Billion Dollar - increase of 17% compared to last year.