Israel's December purchasing managers index down 5 pts

PMI slipped to 63.8 in December 2009 from a record high of 68.8 in November 2009
25.01.10 / 00:00
Israel's December purchasing managers index down 5 pts
Israel's December purchasing managers index down 5 pts

PMI slipped to 63.8 in December 2009 from a record high of 68.8 in November 2009
Bank Hapoalim and the Israeli Purchasing Managers Association said last Sunday that Israel's purchasing managers index (PMI) slipped to 63.8 in December 2009 from a record high of 68.8 in November 2009.
The PMI posted its seventh straight month above 50, indicating expectations of expansion of manufacturing activity.
Most of the index components declined in December, but their level still indicates a rise in domestic and overseas demands, as well as intentions to increase hiring,' the report said.
December 2009November 2009  Change (index pts)
PMI      63.8      68.8      -5
New orders- domestic     62.0      70.8      -8.8
New orders - exports      62.5      74.9      -12.4
Production         70.7      71.3      -0.6
Employment      66.2      71.8      -5.6
Raw materials prices      58.7      46.9      +11.8
Inventory - raw materials55.8      52.4      +3.4
Inventory - finished goods            46.4      47.8      -1.4
Supplier delivery time - imports    40.0      36.4      +3.6
Supplier delivery time - domestic47.8      49.0      -1.2
The JPMorgan Global Manufacturing PMI - a composite indicator produced by JPMorgan and NTC in association with ISM and IFPMM and designed to provide an overall view of global manufacturing conditions, rose to a 44-month high in December, to 55.0 from 53.7.New orders rose to 58.6 from 56.7, the highest in five and a half years.