Israel was invited as an observer to OECD trade committee

The chairman of the trade committee of the OECD had invited Israel to participate, on an ad hoc basis, as an observer in trade discussions
03.01.05 / 00:00
Minister Olmert with the Secretary General of the
Minister Olmert with the Secretary General of the

The chairman of the trade committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) had invited Israel to participate, on an ad hoc basis, as an observer in trade discussions held periodically by the committee.
Mr. Ehud Olmert, Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor said last week, in a press release, that inviting Israel to the OECD trade committee was a further step in increasing cooperation between Israel and the OECD group of countries.
A year ago Israel's trade minister was invited to participate in OECD ministerial high level meeting. Following that invitation, Israel submitted its formal request to be invited as a permanent observer to the meetings of the trade committee. The committee is regarded as one of the most important committees of the organization.
Israel’s chances, however, of being accepted as an OECD member in 2005 are unclear. According to sources in Jerusalem, the USA is expected to decide shortly whether to downgrade Israel to the priority watch list of countries violating intellectual property rights. The US decision is expected following Israel proposed legislation on data exclusivity for ethical drugs. The US regards the legislation as highly unsatisfactory.
Foreign Trade Administration at the ministry of trade and industry said last week that Israel's request was submitted together with a few other countries which were keen to join the OECD's trade committee's program. The decision however, will be taken by the OECD general assembly which is supposed to make a high level strategic policy decision concerning the opening of the OECD to other countries. The general assembly approved recently a recommendation to define the organization's strategy toward other countries. Within the scope of that decision, Israel, Taiwan and Romania were invited to participate, on ad hoc basis, as observers to the trade committee discussions.