Israeli car market to open up for competition

28.08.11 / 00:00
Israeli car market to open up for competition
Israeli car market to open up for competition

Dr. Yaron Zelekha, to head a new committee to examine the competition in Israel's auto market


Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz appointed last week former Ministry of Finance Accountant-General Dr. Yaron Zelekha, to head a new committee to examine the competition in Israel's auto market.


Tax on cars in Israel is one of the highest among OECD countries and can reach 83% of the car's value (before green tax deductions) as compared with 40% in west European countries.

The committee's job will include looking into the main barriers to competition in the market and formulating recommendations for removing barriers to competition, thereby lowering prices to consumers in all aspects of the car industry, from new vehicles to spare parts. The committee will also examine cross holdings among car importers, leasing companies and garages.

Dr. Zelekha served as Director of Economic Affairs at the Prime Minister's Office, board member at the National Oil Refineries, served as Head of the Accounting Department at Kiryat Ono College. Recipient of the Medal of Excellence in Accounting for the year 1994.  Holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Bar Ilan University.