Last week’s general public strike has been estimated to cost NIS 350m.-500m.

Wednesday's strike encompassed all government ministries, the Israel Tax Authority, the Bank of Israel, the courts, Israel Railways, Israel Airports Authority, Haifa Ashdod and Eilat Ports Co. Ltd. and all the airports
04.12.06 / 00:00
Last week’s general public strike has been estimated to cost NIS 350m.-500m.
Last week’s general public strike has been estimated to cost NIS 350m.-500m.

Wednesday's strike encompassed all government ministries, the Israel Tax Authority, the Bank of Israel, the courts, Israel Railways, Israel Airports Authority, Haifa Ashdod and Eilat Ports Co. Ltd. and all the airports
Manufacturers Association and the Chambers of Commerce representatives were satisfied early Thursday after the National Labor Court put an immediate end to the general public strike called by the Histadrut Labor Federation, which they estimated to cost the economy between NIS 350 million and NIS 500m. a day.
The National Labor Court ruled that the national public sector strike had to be suspended for the next seven days.
The immediate effect of this was the return to work of hundreds of thousands of workers who were on strike since Wednesday morning. The Manufacturers Association estimated that the strike would cost the economy around NIS 350m. a day, while the Federation of Chambers of Commerce put their estimate higher at NIS 500m. a day.
Wednesday's strike encompassed all government ministries, the Israel Tax Authority, the Bank of Israel, the courts, Israel Railways, Israel Airports Authority, Haifa Ashdod and Eilat Ports Co. Ltd. and all the airports, all border terminals, as well as the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co., Oil Refineries Ltd. and the Israel Electric Corporation.
Shraga Brosh, president of the Manufacturers Association of Israel , and Uriel Lynn, president of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, said that the private sector could not continue anymore to pay for the failures of the public sector. Both men said that the damage caused to the economy by the closure of the main two seaports was estimated at around NIS 30m. a day,".