CBS: 2014 iports by country of origin from China represented 13% of total Israeli imports

During the period, the percentage of imports from the U.S.A. from total imports dropped from 19.0% in 2002 to 11.7% in 2014
31.05.15 / 10:02
CBS: 2014 iports by country of origin from China represented 13% of total Israeli imports
CBS: 2014 iports by country of origin from China represented 13% of total Israeli imports

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), issued its 2014 imports by country of origin report. The report shows Imports by country of origin (excl. diamonds) from China (US$8.1 billion) surpass; Imports by country of origin (excl. diamonds) from U.S.A. (US$7.4 billion); 26.3% of goods manufactured in China were imported via third countries; Imports, by country of origin from South Korea dropped by 18.8% compared in 2012- 2014; Imports from Russia (excl. diamonds) doubled compared to 2013 and totaled US$1.3 billion; 58.2% of the goods imported from Switzerland were produced in other countries.


Imports by country of origin (excl. diamonds) from China represented 12.8% of total imports (US$8.1 billion), as opposed to 3.2% in 2002. During the same period, the percentage of imports from the U.S.A. from total imports dropped from 19.0% in 2002 to 11.7% (US$7.4 billion) in 2014.


Imports by country of origin - In 2014, the countries of origin from which imports were above two billion US$ were: U.S.A., China, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, India, Russia and Switzerland.


Imports from Russia passed the US$ 2 billion for the first time. Significant decrease of Imports by country of origin (above 20%) was registered in imports from Morocco (-60.4%), Nigeria (-51.9%), Cyprus, Sweden and Canada. Imports by country of origin from Georgia, Portugal, Vietnam and Ethiopia significantly increased compared to 2013.


Imports by country of origin (excl. diamonds): In 2014, the main countries from which Israel has imported goods were: China, U.S.A., Germany, Italy, Turkey, U.K., Japan, France, South Korea, Russia and Spain.


Imports from China (by country of origin) have grown from US$ 4.6 billion in 2009 to US$8.1 billion in 2014. Imports (by country of origin) from Turkey increased from US$1.5 billion in 2009 to US$2.8 billion in 2014. Imports (by country of origin) from Russia increased from US$0.5 billion in 2009 to US$1.3 billion in 2014.