CBS: Israel's January-April 2015 trade deficit in goods totaled NIS 7.7 billion

Trade in goods in April 2015 was influenced by changes in the value of the NIS against other currencies in which import and export transactions are conducted
17.05.15 / 09:59
CBS: Israel's January-April 2015 trade deficit in goods totaled NIS 7.7 billion
CBS: Israel's January-April 2015 trade deficit in goods totaled NIS 7.7 billion

In April 2015, import of goods totaled NIS 18.4 billion, export of goods totaled NIS 15.7 billion and the trade deficit in goods totaled NIS 2.7 billion.


April 2015

Export of goods as percent of imports (excluding ships, aircraft and diamonds) constituted 85.4% compared to 77% at the same period in 2014.


Import of goods (excluding ship, aircraft, diamonds and fuels) increased by 2.5% at an annual rate in February-April 2015, according to trend data, continuing an increase of 10.5% in November 2014 – January 2015.


Export of goods (excluding ships, aircraft and diamonds) decreased by 13.1% at an annual rate, according to trend data, after an increase of 4.8% in November 2014 - January 2015.


Trade in goods in April 2015 was influenced by changes in the value of the NIS against other currencies in which import and export transactions are conducted. In April 2015, the NIS strengthened compared the US Dollar by 1.5%, compared to the Euro the NIS strengthened by 1.9%, compared to the Sterling Pound strengthened by 1.6%, compared to the Japanese Yen the NIS strengthened by 0.8% and compared to the Swiss Franc weakened by 0.2%.


Import of goods, in April 2015, totaled – as mentioned – NIS 18.4 billion. 45% of total imports were import of raw materials (excluding diamonds and fuels); 18% were consumer goods; 13% were machinery, equipment and land vehicles for investment; and 24% diamonds, fuels, ships and aircraft. Trend data of imported raw materials (excluding diamonds and fuels) increased by 5.6%, in February - April 2015, at an annual rate continuing an increase of 17% in November 2014 - January 2015.


A breakdown by groups points that import of iron and steel products increased by 10.3% in, at an annual rate, import of raw food products increased by 18.7% in at an annual rate and import of nonferrous inputs increased by 5.9% at an annual rate.


In contrast, import of inputs for agriculture decreased by 9.4% at an annual rate.


Trend data of import of investment goods (excluding ships and aircraft) increased by 7.5%, at an annual rate, in February-April 2015 continuing an increase of 2.6% in November 2014 - January 2015.


A breakdown by groups points that import of machinery and equipment (71% of investment imports) point to an increase of 18.8% at an annual rate. In contrast, import of vehicles for investment point to a decrease of 21.6%, at an annual rate.


Trend data of import of consumer goods decreased by 1.6% at an annual rate in February- April 2015, after an increase of 4% in November 2014 - January 2015.


Import of non-durable goods (medicines, food and beverages, and clothing and footwear) increased by 7.7% at an annual rate, in the last three months. import of durable goods (furniture, electrical equipment and transport equipment) decreased by 9.5%, at an annual rate, in January-April 2015.


Import of diamonds (net, rough and polished) in January-April 2015 totaled NIS 8.8 billion compared to NIS 9.7 billion in the same period of 2014.


Import of fuels (crude oil, distillates and coal) in January-April 2015 totaled NIS 10.5 billion, a decrease of 35% compared to the same months of the previous year.


Export of goods totaled – as mentioned – NIS 15.7 billion in April 2015.


Manufacturing, mining and quarrying exports (excluding diamonds) constituted 83% of all export of goods. Export of diamonds constituted 15%, and the remaining 2% were agriculture, forestry and fishing exports.


Trend data of manufacturing, mining and quarrying exports point to a decrease of 12.1%, at an annual rate, in February -April 2015, after an increase of 4.6% in November 2014 - January 2015.


Trend data of exports by high technology industries (51% of total manufacture exports) increased by 12.1%, at an annual rate, in February –April, continuing an increase of 40.3% in November 2014 – January 2015 (2.9% monthly average). Breakdown by economic activity shows that most of the activities increased sharply.


Trend data of exports by medium-high technology industries (31% of total manufacture exports) decreased by 32.8%, at an annual rate, in February -April 2015, continuing a decrease of 16.4% in November 2014 - January 2015.


Breakdown by economic activity shows that export of manufacture of chemicals and products decreased by 39.3% at an annual rate (-4.1% monthly average).


Trend data of exports by medium-low technology industries (11% of total manufacture exports) point to drop of 35.4% at an annual rate (-3.6% monthly average), in the last three months continuing a decrease of 34.9%, in November 2014 - January 2015.


Breakdown by economic activity shows that export of manufacture of basic metal products decreased by 25.6% at an annual rate (-2.5% monthly average).


Trend data of exports by low technology industries (7% of total manufacture exports) increased by 6.7% at an annual rate, in February -April 2015 continuing an increase of 17.6% in November 2014 - January 2015. Breakdown by economic activity shows that export of manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel leather and related products increased by 13.3% at an annual rate.


Export of diamonds (net, polished and rough), in January - April 2015, totaled NIS 11.8 billion compared to NIS 12.7 billion in the same period in 2014.


Agricultural, forestry and fishing exports in January - April 2015 totaled NIS 2.1 billion (original data) a decrease of 14.5% compared to the same period in 2014. Export of flowers decreased by 34.5% in the same period.