Uriel Lynn, President of the IFCC, elected to the Eurochambres Executive Council

Lynn noted that Europe should exploit its proximity to the Middle East to create a global economic center through implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy
05.11.07 / 00:00
Uriel Lynn
Uriel Lynn

Lynn noted that Europe should exploit its proximity to the Middle East to create a global economic center through implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy
Uriel Lynn, president of the Israel Federation of Chambers of Commerce Eurochambres Executive Council was elected to the Eurochambres Executive Council as a non EU member together with Mr. Mahir Hadziahmetovic, President, Bosnia-Herzegovina CCI (BA), Mr. Lukas Briner, Prהsident, Zrcher Handelskammer (CH), Mr. Slobodan Milosavljevic, President, Serbian CCI (YU) and Mr. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, President, Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Maritime Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TR).
Eurochambres is the umbrella organization for all the European chambers of commerce and industry.In his address before the Eurochambres' annual Congress which was held in Paris Lynn noted that Europe should exploit its proximity to the Middle East to create a global economic center through implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy.
Lynn, who was speaking as a panelist in a forum dealing with ways in which Europe can enhance her relative advantage in a global environment, noted that signing of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements with countries in the region in general and with Israel in particular, would serve to maximize that relative advantage with regard to services and capital in human resources, and would thus enlarge Europe's share in the global market.