Israel foiled an attempt to smuggle ammonium chloride into Gaza

Four tons of Ammonium Chloride was hidden in a shipment of salt
10.05.16 / 15:26
Israel foiled an attempt to smuggle ammonium chloride into Gaza
Israel foiled an attempt to smuggle ammonium chloride into Gaza

A shipment of Ammonium Chloride, used for rocket fuel, intercepted by Customs inspectors at the Nitzana Crossing, on its way into Gaza in April.

A shipment – purportedly containing 40 tons of salt – destined for Gaza reached the Nitzana Crossing, which is used for the transfer of goods between Egypt and Israel.


A comprehensive inspection by customs officers revealed that sacks of ammonium chloride were hidden within the salt. The sacks were found to weigh four tons.


Ammonium chloride is used in hair shampoo, in the glue that bonds plywood, and in cleaning products, but as ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) it is typically used in aerospace propulsion applications, including in building rockets.


Ammonium chloride is defined as a dual use substance and its passage into the Gaza Strip requires a permit since it is liable to be used by Gaza-based terrorist organizations – such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad – in the production of long-range rockets.


The ISA became suspicious that, given the large quantity of salt that had been ordered for the Gaza Strip, salt shipments were being used to smuggle in chemicals for use in manufacturing facilities in the Strip, especially the manufacture of rockets.