Class-action Suit against Israel Railways over late trains

The petitioner argues that Israel Railways’ trains are “chronically” late, resulting in financial loss to railway passengers arriving late to work
22.10.07 / 00:00
NIS 3.5 Billion class action lawsuit
NIS 3.5 Billion class action lawsuit

The petitioner argues that Israel Railways’ trains are “chronically” late, resulting in financial loss to railway passengers arriving late to work
A regular railway passenger Mr. Eran Goren was named last week as a petitioner in a NIS 3.5 billion lawsuit which was filed with the Haifa District Court for Administration Affairs against Israel Railways.
The petition, which was filed under the Consumer Protection Law 1981,was submitted with a request to be recognized as a class-action suit.
The petitioner argues that Israel Railways’ trains are “chronically” late, resulting in financial loss to railway passengers arriving late to work.
According to the petitioner, the petition is supported by statements from hundreds of Israel Railways passengers, who said that the problem of late trains is not limited to one person, but causes real distress and damage to a large segment of the population who travel by trains.