Executive director of the Port of Los Angeles visited Israel

A delegation headed by Mrs.Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D. executive director of the Port of Los Angeles visited Israel last week
28.01.08 / 00:00
Executive director of the Port of Los Angeles visited Israel
Executive director of the Port of Los Angeles visited Israel

A delegation headed by Mrs.Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D. executive director of the Port of Los Angeles visited Israel last week.
The delegation which consisted of the Port of Los Angeles police commissioner, the deputy director of port's operation met Mr. Gideon Siterman, Director General, Ministry of Transport & Road Safety and Mr. Yiftach Ron –Tal, Chairman, Israel Ports Development & Assets Company Ltd.
Dr. Knatz toured the Port of Haifa and lectured in a seminar which was devoted to the Landlord Port model. In this model, the port authority retains the port infrastructure and fulfils its regulatory functions, while port services are provided by private operators that own the assets conforming to port superstructure and equipment required for service provision. The Landlord Port in this model would be involved in planning, lease negotiation, safety, navigation and overall coordinating functions. Cargo services, marine service, ancillary services, berths etc are privatized on captive/BOT basis to the primary port users.
Mr. Shlomo Breiman, CEO of Israel Ports Development & Assets Company Ltd. (IPC), said, following the seminar, that the Los Angeles delegation showed great interest in Israel's ports' security concept in general and in methods used for the protection of critical infrastructure and key national and local assets.
Breiman added that IPC regard the visit with utmost importance giving the Israeli port industry the opportunity to learn new managerial models as well as modern approaches to solving environmental and operational problems.