Japan - The Sun Will Rise Again

As a result of The massive earthquake in Japan, Moshe Mano’s mind and thoughts are with his Japanese friends that have to cope with the devastating crisis
21.03.11 / 00:00
Moshe Mano, President of “Mano Maritime“
Moshe Mano, President of “Mano Maritime“

As a result of The massive earthquake in Japan, Moshe Mano’s mind and thoughts are with his Japanese friends that have to cope with the devastating crisis
by: Moshe Mano, President of “Mano Maritime“ and  General Agent for “K”-Line in Israeli
The massive earthquake in Japan had shaken not only the Japanese Islands but also the entire world. The Earth had changed its course and the Billion People who live on it can feel the climate change and the results of the quake. The tidal waves not only caused great devastation and unimaginable destruction, but also the grave danger of Nuclear leakage that caused great concern and keeps my friends in Japan and all over the world sleepless.
For the last 20 years I am enjoying personal and business relations with the people of Japan. The Mega Shipping Corporation, “K”-Line, to which my company and I are agents in Israel, is for me a real family. Beyond all the economic relations, and above the formalities, I have always felt the familiar fondness, the honesty and the faith that I have found with my partners in our meetings in Japan, London or Israel.
Mr. Dror Vered, “K” Line representative in Israel, and myself and the management of Mano Maritime as the general & exclusive agent of “K” Line in Israel have close relationship for many years of cooperation with “K” Line. Both of us have many good friends in Japan and in “K” Line, and we are following anxiously on the developments of the disaster in Japan.
We in Israel, admire the perseverance, diligence, and devotion of the Japanese people - A nation who had came out of the 2nd World War bruised and battered and had managed wondrously to rehabilitate itself and its economy. We have gazed in wonder as the Japanese automobile industry, conquered the world. The Japanese Cars have been adopted by the Israeli market and have become undisputed brand names. And thus the business relations have soon became personal relations.
The devastating catastrophe that had struck Japan had hit us to together with anyone who is related to the Japanese nation. Together with the rest of the world, we are following closely and admiring from afar their immense ability to preserve, their self restraint, and their sense of order and discipline in times of great despair. there is no doubt that a part of the relatively limited affect of this disaster should be credited to the Japanese preplanning. Beyond all the Japanese have the necessary patriotism and personal quality running in their veins, that are necessary to overcome this crisis.
The scenes we are seeing in the different means of media and communication are tough and devastating. With every passing moment the magnitude of this disaster becomes gravely clear. We, here in Israel, are well accustomed to tragedies and crises, thus, we understand Japan’s tragedy even better than any other country in the world. We the sons and daughters of the small Jewish People, who had suffered great loses throughout hundreds of years, were, not once, the objects for respect and admire by the Japanese nation.
We are in the middle of the crisis. Other events may still develop however, already we can gaze with astonishment at the Japanese crisis management. There is no doubt in my mind that the whole world, and we in it, should join forces and help Japan.
My mind and thoughts are with my many friends in Japan, who are experiencing one of their toughest moments. These are the members of the younger generation in Japan, who had not experienced World War 2. This is the generation of advanced Japanese technology who is suddenly encountered the overwhelming destructive power of  mother earth. I know, that as they have found, with great talent, with perseverance and devotion the technological means to manufacture thousands of innovative merchandise, they will also find, with the same zeal and devotion, the means to rehabilitate the economic and social structures of Japan.
I am sure that the Japanese Nation will overcome this crisis in such a way that the whole world will watch with astonishment. And to my Japanese friends I send a hug of respect, honor, and strength, in these hard days.