Mofaz: success in developing port sector depend on port users

The transportation minister emphasized that the port reform call for shorter turn-around time for ships and cargoes but so far this has not been fully achieved and there was much to improve
10.11.08 / 00:00
Mofaz and Dr. Yoram Zebba
Mofaz and Dr. Yoram Zebba

The transportation minister emphasized that the port reform call for shorter turn-around time for ships and cargoes but so far this has not been fully achieved and there was much to improve
Shaul Mofaz, deputy prime minister and transportation minister of Israel, said last week at the annual conference of the Israeli Shipper's Council that success in developing the Israeli port sector depend solely on port users. Mofaz argued that port users must take active role in the way ports are developed.
Mofaz emphasized that the port reform call for shorter turn-around time for ships and cargoes but so far this has not been fully achieved and there was much to improve.
Mofaz also noted that the government has adopted a long term strategic development master plan which has a 50 year planning horizon, with interim short and mid-term development stages. The plan provides a vision for the long term, as well as short term, development of Haifa and Ashdod ports in a phased approach based on demand growth, with special emphasis on introducing increased competition and participation of the private sector in the Israeli port industry.
Shuki Sagis, director general of Ashdod port company said that despite criticism at the port reform it must continue. Sagis noted that the Israeli port reform program was mandated by legislation. The objective is to generate competition and improve the efficiency and level of customer service at Israel's ports. There are major investment plans in Haifa and Ashdod ports and the privatization part of the reform is to sell 15% of the port companies in 2010 with further sales taking place up to 2018.
Transportation Ministry Director General Gideon Siterman said that  the Transportation Ministry is considering lowering the costs of registering ships in Israel. The intention is to increase the number of ships sailing under the Israeli flag. Today, most Israeli shipping firms prefer to operate under foreign flags of convenience for a number of reasons. Siterman also said he would work with the treasury to solve problems of war insurance for shippers. In addition, he said new regulations would provide improved service in the ports.