Ports reform act approved by Israeli parliament

Earlier the national labour court issued a decision allowing port workers to take some industrial actions . The court allowed port workers embark upon industrial action and cut down daily productivity
17.07.04 / 00:00
Ports reform act approved by Israeli parliament
Ports reform act approved by Israeli parliament

The israeli parliament voted last week in favour and approved a government bill to reform the nations three main ports.


In a historic 53 in favour and 33 against the bill became a law.


Mr. Benjamine Netanyahu the finance minister who pushed the bill thanked the mps for their support and called upon the port workers not to initiate any industrial actions and not to close the port.


Earlier the national labour court issued a decision allowing port workers to take some industrial actions . The court allowed port workers embark upon industrial action and cut down daily productivity.


However, the court specified that the daily port productivity reduction, should not exceed 75% of the daily productivity level.


Port workers began their long expected industrial action and closed the gates of the three main maritime gateways: haifa, ashdod & eilat.