Yiftah Ron-Tal appointed IEC chairman

Chairman of the Israel Ports Development & Assets Company hasa been appointed chairman of IEC at a ceremony in the office of Minister of Finance
25.10.10 / 00:00
Gen. (Res.) Yiftah Ron-Tal, Yuval Steinitz and Uzi
Gen. (Res.) Yiftah Ron-Tal, Yuval Steinitz and Uzi

Chairman of the Israel Ports Development & Assets Company hasa been appointed chairman of IEC at a ceremony in the office of Minister of Finance
Gen. (Res.) Yiftah Ron-Tal the chairman of the Israel Ports Development & Assets Company officially took up the post of chairman of Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) last week, with the signing of his letter of appointment at a ceremony in the office of Minister of Finance, Yuval Steinitz. The post has been vacant for nine months, since Adv. Motti Friedman stepped down.                                                                              
During the signing ceremony Ron-Tal emphasized that he was committed to running the Electric Corporation in accordance with government policy. He noted that, "The confidence placed in me leads me to expect assistance and cooperation from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Infrastructures in relationto the millstone around our necks, the company's financial situation. The rest, we will manage to do alone. I am sure we will succeed if there is cooperation."
Gen. (Res.) Ron-Tal has gained LL.B., Faculty of Law, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Executive MBA, Bar Ilan University. He held various high ranking positions in the IDF: Chief of the IDF ground forces command; commander, the GFC army headquarters; head of the National Land Training Center.