Israel to focus more on exports to India, China and less on US, EU
Israel to focus more on exports to India, China and less on US, EU
July PMI down to below 50 points - denote contraction
July PMI down to below 50 points - denote contraction
The index's exports component fell 22.2 points to 41.2 points, and the domestic demand component fell 1.9 points
July CPI down 0.3%
July CPI down 0.3%
Barclays Bank plc granted green light to expand in Israel
Barclays Bank plc granted green light to expand in Israel
Two new tax treaties signed with Malta and initialed with Panama
Two new tax treaties signed with Malta and initialed with Panama
CBS: GDP growth in Q2 slows to 3.3%
CBS: GDP growth in Q2 slows to 3.3%
A business association between Taiwan and in Israel
A business association between Taiwan and in Israel
Taiwan-Israel business association inaugurated this week. the Director for Taiwan’s office in Israel said "bilateral trade between Israel and Taiwan totals US$1.4 billion each year"
Vehicle Importers Association: a 15.5% increase in July
Vehicle Importers Association: a 15.5% increase in July
A total of 19,802 new cars were sold in Israel. The association: “should the market maintains its current sales level, 2011 will most probably end up with an all-time high”