CBS: Tourism up 25% in January-May 2006
CBS: Tourism up 25% in January-May 2006
739,000 tourists traveled to Israel by air, an increase of 20% compared to the parallel period last year
CBS: Exports to US in March-May rose by annualized 50%
CBS: Exports to US in March-May rose by annualized 50%
Imports in the period January-May, excluding diamonds, totaled US$15.8 billion, Exports to Asia in March-May 2006 rose by an annualized 28%
Central Bank: 2006 growth forecast - 5%
Central Bank: 2006 growth forecast - 5%
Bank of Israel published last week its latest economic forecast for 2006
Matza and Wiig. an agreement
Israeli and Norwegian Tax Authorities Sign collaboration Agreement
The Israeli and Norwegian tax authorities signed last week an agreement providing for collaboration between the two states on matters of import-export regulations and fraud investigations
Wineries association was set up, aiming to double Israeli wine exports
Wineries association was set up, aiming to double Israeli wine exports
The wineries association aim to double Israeli wine exports to the US to $15 million within three years, compared with $7.5 million in 2005
D&B Procurement Managers Index down in May
D&B Procurement Managers Index down in May
According to D&B Israel the drop in the Procurement Managers Index was due to 8.1% drop in export demand
Manufacturers Association: World Cup madness not yet invaded local workplaces
Manufacturers Association: World Cup madness not yet invaded local workplaces
Factories reported workers did not put any demand to leave earlier (games begin at 16:00 local time) or watch T.V
Qassam rocket attacks at Sderot, affecting local industry
Qassam rocket attacks at Sderot, affecting local industry
20% of the factories have reported work as usual. 40% reported 5% absentees while 30% reported 6%-10% and 10% of the factories reported over 11% absentees