2004 trade deficit up to $6.8 billion
2004 trade deficit up to $6.8 billion
Israel's trade deficit for 2004 increased sharply to $6.8 billion, $981 million, or 16.9%, more than in 2003. The country imported goods worth $40.5 billion and exported $33.7 billion last year
"Jaffa" brand name - no longer
Dr. Meir Noam Israel Patent Office commissioner cancelled last week the Citrus Marketing Board of Israel's ( CMBI ) exclusive right to the famous citrus "Jaffa" brand name
First Japanese Delegation visit Israel Since Palestinians Launched Warin September 2000
A Japanese business delegation visited Israel last week for the first time since the outbreak of the current Palestinian hostilities against Israel. The heads of the delegation said that the purpose of the visit was seeking business opportunities in local
Polished diamond exports leaped 14.4% imports up
Polished diamond exports leaped 14.4% imports up
According to the diamond supervisor of the Trade and Industry Ministry, Shmuel Mordechai Israel exported last year $6.3 billion of polished diamonds
Mr. Yechiel Asia, director general of the Israel e
2004 - 35% increase in industrial exports to South Korea
Following three years of continuous slow down in exports to South Korea exports, excluding diamonds, in 2004 was up by 35% to $370 millions. High -Tech exports was up by 59%
The Minister of Finance, Benjamin Netanyahu
S&P upgrades israel’s credit rating outlook from “negative” to “stable”
The Minister of Finance, Benjamin Netanyahu, informed the Government today that the Standard & Poor’s Rating Services has upgraded its outlook on the State of Israel from “negative” to “stable"
Budget Director, Kobi Haber
Kobi Haber: In 2005, NIS 2.2 billion will be allocated for disengagement
According to Budget Director Kobi Haber, the total cost of the disengagement plan will be approximately NIS 5 billion—NIS 2 billion for the security forces (IDF and police) and the rest for compensating residents and owners of businesses in the Erez indus
The elected chairman of the Israel Export Institut
Brosh elected to head Manufacturers Association
The chairman of the Israel Export Institute Mr. Shraga Brosh, was elected last week as the new president of the Manufacturers Association. Mr. Brosh replaced Mr. Oded Tyrah, who completed six years in the post