Polished diamond exports leaped 14.4% imports up
Polished diamond exports leaped 14.4% imports up
According to the diamond supervisor of the Trade and Industry Ministry, Shmuel Mordechai Israel exported last year $6.3 billion of polished diamonds
C.A.L. cargo airlines – three new directors
C.A.L. cargo airlines – three new directors
C.A.L. cargo airlines nominated last week three new deputies to the company director general. The decision to nominate the three was taken by the chairman Mr. Eitan Ben – David, deputy chairman Mr. Shmuel Berkowitz and director general Mr. Izhak Tuvali.
2004 GDP - 4.2% growth
2004 GDP - 4.2% growth
The Central Bureau of Statistics ( CBS) reported last week that Israel's GDP rose by 4.2% in 2004. The CBS said in an end of year statement that the GDP was slightly higher than previously forecasted
Dr. Yoram Sebba and Mr. Udi Angel Cahirman of the
Zim & Israel Corp. in a $732m. fleet expansion program
Israel Corporation and its daughter company Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. outlined last Sunday the business model for the acquisition of 12 container vessels in a $732 million deal
Mr. Shraga Brosh
2004 - Communications equipment exports to rise 16.4%
Mr. Shraga Brosh, chairman of the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute, said that exports of communications equipment in 2004 will rise 16.5% to $2.53 billion. Brosh made the comment last week at the opening of the Telecom Israel 2004 exh
Israeli exports to Asia in January-September up 33%
Israeli exports to Asia in January-September up 33%
Israel trade with Asia totaled $9.3 billion in January-September. Imports from Asia rose 31% in January-September, compared with that period in 2003, to $5 billion
World Economic Forum: Israel is ranked 19th for competitiveness
World Economic Forum: Israel is ranked 19th for competitiveness
The latest report issued last week by the World Economic Forum, on Global Competitiveness, ranks Israel in nineteenth place among 104 countries. Israel advanced in the present report one place higher from its rank of 20th in 2003's report
IMF's prediction for 2004 - 3.6% growth in the Israeli economy
IMF's prediction for 2004 - 3.6% growth in the Israeli economy
The International Monetary Fund ( IMF) in its twice yearly assessment of the world's economy, predicted that growth in the Israeli economy in 2004 will reach 3.6%. The IMF also placed Israel in its list of the 29 most developed countries of the world