Krief: Air China Cargo to commence direct service to Israel in mid 2009
Krief: Air China Cargo to commence direct service to Israel in mid 2009
Air China Cargo has plans to transport Israeli cargo throughout the Far East, Australia and New Zealand through the company central hub in China
Which? magazine rated El Al – 4th best performing long-haul airline
Which? magazine rated El Al – 4th best performing long-haul airline
The results shows best performing long-haul airlines were Singapore Airlines, India’s Jet Airways and Air New Zealand
New NIS 20 banknotes printed on polymer
New NIS 20 banknotes printed on polymer
The new NIS 20 banknotes will be put into general circulation from 13 April 2008. At the same time a special issue of 1,800,000 polymer banknotes commemorating Israel’s 60th anniversary will be put into circulation
Transparency International: Israel has improved its corruption rankings
Transparency International: Israel has improved its corruption rankings
The 2007 index showed an improvement in Israel's standing from last year, rising to 30th place out of the 180 countries surveyed, while in 2006 Israel was ranked 34. This year's score rose to 6.1 out of 10, compared with 5.9 in 2006
Heritage Foundation places Israel 37th on Economic Freedom Index
Heritage Foundation places Israel 37th on Economic Freedom Index
Israel is classified by the survey as “Moderately Free” and is ranked three places lower than in 2006. According to the index the freest economy is Hong Kong
Heritage Foundation: Israel is ranked 36th in the 2006 Index of Economic Freedom
Heritage Foundation: Israel is ranked 36th in the 2006 Index of Economic Freedom
The 2006 Index of Economic Freedom, published last week by the Heritage Foundation and “The Wall Street Journal”, ranks Israel in the 36th place
Israel Aircraft Industries will convert 4 Qantas' 737 passenger aircraft to freighters
Israel Aircraft Industries will convert 4 Qantas' 737 passenger aircraft to freighters
David Arzi, Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI) deputy CEO and Israel Export Institute chairman, said last week that Bedek Aviation Group, A subsidiary of Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd will provide, in a deal worth $10 million, Australian airline Qantas
Forbes: Israel Investment-Friendly Country
Forbes: Israel Investment-Friendly Country
In its recent edition, published February 6th, Forbes rated Israel in 28th place (among 135 countries rated) on its first Capital Hospitality Index of investor-friendly countries