CBS: Q2 - Industrial exports up 19.5%
CBS: Q2 - Industrial exports up 19.5%
In a detailed report the CBS noted that high-tech output rose by an annualized 14.7%. High tech exports rose by 29%
Textiles manufacturers: Chinese textiles "floods" local market
Textiles manufacturers: Chinese textiles "floods" local market
Israel imported, during the first quarter of this year, 54 million items of apparel from China worth $80 million, 34% more than during the corresponding quarter of 2005
Haifa Port. 20% capacity
Haifa Port: Estimated revenue loss of NIS 30 million
Amos Uzani, Port of Haifa dorector manager, said that since the crisis began, Haifa Port had lost over NIS 30 million revenue mainly due to the fact it was operating at 15-20% of capacity
take the necessary steps. Lynn
Lynn: “Forgeries are a cancer eating away at the fabric of our economy"
The conference was also informed that the counterfeiting industry was not only harming Israel’s reputation, but also causing loss of revenue from customs tariffs, VAT and income tax
Israel Aircraft Industry to Convert Jumbo Passenger Jets to Freighters Configuration
Israel Aircraft Industry to Convert Jumbo Passenger Jets to Freighters Configuration
The FAA has issued a STC to Israel Aircraft Industries for conversion of a Boeing 747-400B. Bedek has converted more than 80 aircraft into cargo configurations
OECD set to admit new members
OECD set to admit new members
OECD nations have said they hope that faster decision making will make it possible to admit new members and give the organization a more global, and less European, bias
Assia: exports of agriculture equipment and raw materials $1.85b in 2005
Assia: exports of agriculture equipment and raw materials $1.85b in 2005
Delegations from 40 countries came to Israel for Agritech 2006, including 20 delegations from China, six from Mexico, five from India, and one from Vietnam
DTC’s Varda Shine: “The Congress is of great importance to our company”
DTC’s Varda Shine: “The Congress is of great importance to our company”
Shine commented on the upcoming World Diamond Congress. Announced the DTC will send a large delegation headed by De Beers’ Chairman